Wednesday 17 June 2015

Review of "Too Charming"*

I have to say, I was a bit disappointed by this read. I'm not sure if it's simply because I've read so many amazing novels recently (check out my recent posts for more details!), or whether this book was not that great; likely a mixture of the two. I really enjoy actually liking - or occasionally hating - the protagonists in a book, but this time I found both Megan and Scott utterly tedious. Whether it was her insistence on not dating him because of something that happened in the past, and her incessant need to be a bit of a bitch to him as a result, or his misunderstanding of everything she wanted, this book really missed the mark with me. Perhaps fewer descriptions of what the pair think about each other's bodies, and more of a plot, would have made this a great read, as it was well written and captivating at times.

Megan and her three-year-old daughter, Sally, have learnt not to trust all men after what Sally's father did to them. When a lawyer starts flirting with Megan she can't help but hate him: despite hoe gorgeous he is, his arrogance still reminds her of her past flame. As a Detective Sergeant, moreover, why would Megan want to hang out with a defense lawyer who tries his best to set free the criminals she racks up evidence against. But, can he charm his way into her good books, and more importantly her pants, despite his profession?

Have you read it? What did you think?

Steph x

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