Saturday 17 February 2018

Re-reading 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'

Re-reading 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the absolute high sass levels of Mrs Weasley here? Honestly I think this is my favourite line of the entire series, and the fact that she says it to Satan's spawn aka Bellatrix, just makes it 100 times better.

You know what this post means - my journey through re-reading the Harry Potter series has come to an end. And I'm kind of gutted. Turning the last page of this book was like saying goodbye to an old friend that you won't be seeing again for a long time. I'm not sure if this will be the last time I'll read the series, but it'll definitely be a few years until I do so again. 

This last book is just absolute perfection. I adore it. It ties up every last plot thread, and still leaves you wanting more and more, which I think is exactly what you want from the last part of a good series.

The main thing I'd forgotten is how iffy you start to feel about Dumbledore. I've rewatched the films recently, and this negative side to him really doesn't come across that well. There's his relationship with Hitler-esque Grindelwald, his possible killing of his sister, and the fact that he really did protect Harry so that he could die at the right time. I'd love to see how he's portrayed in the new films coming out, but I honestly won't be going to see them. I can't agree with Rowling's happiness to cast Johnny Depp, or the fact that despite Dumbledore being apparently gay, they're not going to include that in any of this new area of the franchise. Speaking of Dumbeldore's sexuality, now that I've re-read the whole series, I can safely say that you really can't pick up on any hints regarding his sexuality. Nothing. It all seems a little convenient to say that it wasn't explicitly written in, and it won't be shown in a film but it's definitely there. I'd rather no LGBT representation than this fake one.

Anyhow, I'm so sad to have finally finished the series. I've not loved anything this much since ... well probably since I read it last time. Please send me on good book series' to read now because oh my god I need to fill this void.

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