Wednesday 8 January 2020

Review of 'The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle' by Stuart Turton

Review of 'The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle' by Stuart Turton

I spent a whole lot of time on twitter last year thinking that this book and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo were just one book and everyone was raving about the same thing. Turns out a lot of people loved both of them so Evelyn Hugo is going on my TBR for 2020.

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hugo has been one of the hardest books I've read this year to get my head around. In essence, the unnamed main character wakes up each morning in a different person's body, tasked with finding out who killed Evelyn Hardcastle at a party at her parents' estate. He will replay each day over and over again until he finds out who killed her. Each host has a different personality, which the narrator assumes a little of when he's in their body.

The whole book was so intricate and so well done - you were not only trying to work out who killed Evelyn, and how, but also what exactly was going on in this weird purgatory. There's always someone chasing the narrator down to try and kill him, a woman called Anna who seems to be helping him (but can't be trusted) and a person wearing a plague doctor mask who seems to be at the helm of the mystery. 

It was a pretty convoluted read, and definitely one that you need to pay all your attention to rather than dipping in and out of, but it was one of my favourite things I read all year; when all the plot strands came together it was really masterful.

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