Saturday 17 April 2021

Review of 'House of Earth and Blood' by Sarah J Maas


Grey background with black writing that reads: "You're the person I don't need to explain myself to - not when it matters. You see everything I am, and you don't run away from it" - 'House of Earth and Blood' - Sarah J. Maas

After finishing A Court of Silver Flames, I had a massive Sarah J Maas shaped hole in my reading life, so I had to give House of Earth and Blood a go. As they're both fantasy, I wondered if this would be a slight rehash of ACOTAR, or one of the books in that series, but it did feel distinct. This was definitely a slow burner for me, but by the end I was totally and utterly obsessed.

House of Earth and Blood is about Bryce Quinlan, a half-fae half-human woman. When tragedy strikes her life, she's hired to help solve a crime. Unfortunately for her, she's got to work alongside Hunt Athalar, a man renowned for his rebellion that ended in disaster, and for his skill at killing. With a murder to solve, the pair must attempt to work together to seek the answers and rewards they both so desperately want.

There's a lot of world building in this, especially across the first 100 pages or so, that makes it quite a tough read to get into. But, there is a lot of drama in those pages too so it's not all dry and description filled. I LOVED the characters in this book - there were some truly hateworthy ones, as well as totally loveable ones. Bryce herself is a fearless woman who's not afraid to stick up for herself and she made for a great heroine.

I won't lie, this book ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I pretty much cried for the last 200 pages on and off. I was so wrapped up in the characters and their world that I just didn't want to put the book down at all.  

This is a great read for any Sarah J Maas fans as well as fans of Leigh Bardugo's adult writing, and other fantasy novels.

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