Wednesday 27 May 2020

Review of 'The Hunting Party' by Lucy Foley

Grey sparkly background with black writing that reads: "Some people, given just the right amount of pressure, taken out of their usual, comfortable environments, don’t need much encouragement at all to become monsters" - 'The Hunting Party', by Lucy Foley

Crime thrillers are one of my go-to comfort books. They always have a clear beginning, middle and end (as long as they're written well), and almost all of the time everything is wrapped up neatly at the end. They're always a great way for me to get back into reading if I'm ever having a bit of a slump. I read this book back in December (I promise, I *really* am trying to catch up on reviews), and it was a perfect Wintery read for cold evenings. 

The Hunting Party is a thriller set in the Scottish Highlands around the New Year. A group of old school friends are meeting up to see in midnight together, but everything goes very wrong. The book is written in two timelines: 'now', which is once someone has been murdered, and 'then', which is the days leading up to it.

Told from the perspectives of the different friends, as the book progresses you don't know who has been killed, or who did it. There's the moody ex-con groundskeeper, the sleep-deprived new parents, the rich city boy, the couple that are oh-so in love, and all the other members of the group that suspicion lies upon.

This was one of the best thrillers I read last year. I had no idea who had even been killed until getting an inkling a few pages before, let alone who had done it. This dual mystery is one that I can't remember reading in another book, or at least can't remember it having been done this well. The book was incredibly atmospheric - it really felt like I was up in the freezing cold highlands away from civilisation and I would recommend reading it in winter. I was totally gripped and loved finding out more about each character from the viewpoints of other characters in the book. It felt almost like a modern day book version of Cluedo!

I gave this five stars and would recommend this for fans of Shari Lapena's books.

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