Saturday 23 May 2020

Review of 'So Lucky' by Dawn O'Porter

“I hate how the male gaze is still more powerful than a woman’s self-worth” - 'So Lucky', Dawn O'Porter

Every so often I come across a book that's truly refreshing, and this is one of them. I've not read The Cows, though I've heard really great things, so I came into this without any awareness of Dawn O'Porter's writing style, or any expectation really. 

So Lucky was a full on breath of fresh air from the perspective of three women. Beth is a new mum whose husband doesn't seem to have any lust for her anymore. Lauren's living the perfect instagram life, but things aren't so happy behind the captions. Ruby's struggling to connect with her daughter because of body image problems, and a history of disconnection with her own mother. The three have lives that on the surface are great: Beth's got a beautiful baby, Lauren's bringing in wads of cash with her instagram feed, and Ruby's got the career of her dreams. However, behind all of these facades, the women aren't as lucky as things appear.

The book really delves into the life of women in the 21st century and covers a whole lot of taboo subjects for us. At the centre of the novel are these women's bodies, and it really reflects that this is true for all of us - we need our bodies, and we've been taught to obsess over them without really being taught to understand or love them. The book talks about female sexual desire, discharge, breastfeeding, masturbation, body hair, post partum life and bodies, and mental health issues. 

It was really a great one for me in reminding you that all women feel these things and have issues that we're made to feel ashamed of, but maybe if we were more honest with one another this wouldn't be so distanced. I thoroughly enjoyed this and gave it 5 stars.

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